Monday, August 12, 2013

Imperial Navy Boarding Party WIP

Painting on the pirates is moving along slow and steady.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share with you some of the special Imperial Navy models I'm putting together for my Ian.

First is the Valedictor Imperialis's navigator, Edwina Goodwin:
Edwina was born out of the online Rogue Trader RPG I ran for a while and crafted and played by my buddy Chris.  Prior to joining Zed's crew, the cruiser she was stationed on suffered a Gellar Field failure.  Ed was able to bring the ship out of the warp, but being lawful good to a fault, caused the astropath choir to get eaten by daemons when she insisted on saving the rest of the crew.  She's basically been banished by her house to the Koronus Expanse, and in particular, the Valedictor Imperialis which is turning out to be the dumping grounds for the Segmentum's undesirables.
The base model is a Visions of Fantasy mage.  I need to add some greenstuff details to her clothes, and some more bits and details to her staff.  Basically, she'll look a little more like this image when all is said and done.
Next, you always hear bits about how Ratlings in the Imperial Guard served as cooks.  I never read LotR, so I'm not sure if this is Hobbit reference or what not, but I told Ian: "You need the ship's cook to go with Zed.  Like Steven Segal in Under Seige, except cooks in 40K are Ratlings."  No really, it makes sense. 
Anyway, I picked up this little gem from 1988 to accompany the boarding party.  He'll just be a veteran with laspistol and spatula...close combat weapon.

Finally this is a secret sneak peak of things to come.  Can't reveal too much other than that she was inspired by this pic and was a featured NPC in the Savage Tide Eberron RPG that Zed came from.

Head and Torso by Laughing Monk Miniatures and legs from Maximini Greatcoats.  I've got some Kreig arms on the way for her.  She'll have some greenstuff accoutrements as well to look more like the Officer of the Fleet model.  Debating whether or not I want to keep the hat or go with a bare head. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Zone Mortalis at Vinnie's House

For anyone looking to participate in some fun Zone Mortalis gaming at my house in a themed narrative setting I've come up with the following guidelines:

List Building

500 points list using the Zone Mortalis Combatant FOC

-extra 250 points for larger games
-200 point Kill Team + Brutes & Boss for 4th Edition Kill Team games

Games actually fought on ship/station will use the following:
Enemy Unknown
Cold Void -As Applicable
Catastrophic Damage: Void Ships & Stations - As Applicable

Everyone will have 2 Points to select stratagems from the Zone Mortalis Rules or IA9 Boarding Action Rules.  Closest Racial Equivalents should be substituted as needed.

List Modifications
Some suggested List modifications can be found here.  Including an Imperial Navy list.  I'm open to anything creative or zany not listed here that may have appeared elsewhere in the fluff like Blood Pact Raiders or Arbites Enforcers. 

Suggested House Rules
Squads of 10 or more may split in half as per the Combat Tactics rule from Codex: Space Marines.

Vehicles may be purchased in squadrons but operate independently.  This must be declared before deployment.

Artillery Barrages (like from the Master of Ordnance, Corsair Prince, or purchased as HS choices in some lists) may still be used indirectly to represent supporting naval gunfire. 

All models of type infantry including, jump pack, or jet pack infantry may claim objectives.

When using enemy unknown rules, when a unit represented by a blip counter is revealed, any models deploying within LOS of enemy units must be deployed within 2” of the blip counter and with squad coherency.

IG Heavy Weapons teams may be individually based as per 2nd-4th edition 40K.  Models carrying heavy weapons must have the appropriately modeled man-portable heavy weapon.

IG Heavy Weapons teams may take heavy stubbers for +5 points.

Tau SMS will use a 24” string to draw range to targets around corners, not straight distance.

Most importantly: No douchebaggery, asshattery, or powergaming.

I'm totally open to feedback on any of the above, so please let me know. 
